Monday, September 26, 2022

Lake Hart


Check my birding map for specific location.  

I saw Lake Hart had a rest stop and I always like to stay overnight where there is either trees or water (preferably both) and a big lake sounded great. I thought no more about it until I arrived. I had no idea it was a salt lake. The rest area was a way up from the water's edge and I could see the salt flat. It was stunning. I went straight down and in the warm sunshine it was lovely to walk in the shallow water on the flats. I took some photos and for once I didn't mind that there weren't any birds around and then headed back up the hill. 

A commotion alerted me to something going on. Squawking birds is always a good sign. I spotted a black and white lump (truly!) at the bottom of a bush and then 2 birds coming down to it. Fairly obviously a cuckoo being fed by Singing Honeyeaters. The chick was about 3 times as big as the 'parents' and it looked like it must have outgrown the nest and fallen out. Still, it was mobile and vocal and cared for by the hapless honeyeaters. I got some quick shots and left it alone. 
Pallid Cuckoo (Cacomantis pallidus)    

It was quite chilly at the Lake but warm sitting in the sunshine in my van. I was parked near the water tank as ever and enjoyed watching the Zebra Finch coming and going. I always have my camera on standby and was glad I did when I saw these 2 lizards squaring off. The fight was too quick for me to catch but the vivid colours of them was just fabulous to see.

Painted Dragon (Ctenophorus pictus)

The next morning I woke early to try to catch the rising sun on the lake but it was overcast and I was pretty grumpy as I had had a sleepness night worrying about sleeping in. Of course the irony is that I am always awake before 5am anyway! I went out for a walk but it was quite windy and very cold so I gave up in favour of a cup of tea. I did, however, catch a gorgeous kingfisher posing nicely for me.

Red-backed Kingfisher (Todiramphus pyrrhopygius)

Looking back, I don't seem to have got too much in the way of birds but I really loved staying at Lake Hart. I'll be back!

eBird Lists

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