Saturday, October 15, 2022

Mount Hypipamee

Check my birding map for specific location. 

Access to Hypipamee National Park is from a tiny car park in a clearing off the main road through the area. It is a productive place to visit for birding but can be frustrating as the photography is difficult in the low light. There are warning signs for the Southern cassowary but I have never seen them present. 

In the car park there is always Grey-headed Robin present. They sit in the trees and on the fence posts, frequently darting down for bugs. On first sight, they look like rather plain, dumpy birds but if you sit and watch them they are actually very attractive and interesting. That is where I always start when visiting the NP. It is good for the psyche to have an early success.

Grey-headed Robin(Heteromyias cinereifrons)

There is a well known Golden Bowerbird present at Hypipamee and I was amazed to see the male was still present with the same bower over 6 years after the last time I saw it. The bower is the most elaborate of all I have seen with 2 adjoined constructions. The male can be heard buzzing around the forest with an electronic call. He visits the bower frequently and if you just sit and wait you should be able  to see him. 
Golden Bowerbird (Prionodura newtoniana)

There are other bowerbirds present in the forest. Satin Bowerbirds can be seen in the tops of the trees around the car park. The last is the Tooth-billed Bowerbird. A rather plain, thickset bird that is difficult to find. I have only ever seen them once and was thankful to get this half decent shot.

Tooth-billed Bowerbird (Scenopoeetes dentirostris)

eBird Lists

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