Thursday, October 20, 2022

Possum drama in Albany!

Check my birding map for specific location.  

First off, I would like to say that I considered the animals' welfare before I took any actions. Shooting video and photographs were secondary to ensuring their safety.

So I am at a very pleasant caravan park on the outskirts of Albany and after some laptop drama, I am behind in my blog. I got up early this morning and was working away when I heard a loud thump. I glanced up and what looked like a branch had fallen from the tree next to the van. I didn't think much of it until it moved.

I dashed out and saw it was a possum. It looked very dazed but got up and staggered back to the tree. From a distance, I watched on and videoed it as it tried to get back up the tree. It was a bit wobbly (well, it was quite a fall) and it didn't look injured. 

I turned back to the van and pulled up short. There was a baby on the ground. A tiny, very wet baby. Looked like it had just been born. Shit. 

I called the park owners in desperation and we agreed to give it some space and see if mum would come back down. They would join me shortly as there was no doubt that the baby would die quickly alone in the wet grass.

Mum sat in a fork in the tree about 4 metres high. She was grooming and appeared to have recovered somewhat. From inside the van I could see her looking at the baby which was crying. I was praying and willing her on to come down and get it. She didn't. Double shit.

Ring-tailed Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus)

The park owner joined me and quickly got a ladder but as soon as he was close to mum, she bolted further up the tree. We had 2 choices - to leave the baby in the fork and hope mum would come and get it before it fell out or call the wildlife carers. The owner thought the latter was the best option. So, off the baby went and I fervently hope they can save it.

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