Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Tcharkuldu Rocks


Check my birding map for specific location. 

A warning to start this post. It contains more photos of toilets than birds! Nothing against the tiny town of Minnipa, it was just one of those days. There was a rest stop in the town but I always prefer to go into the countryside if possible so I braved the dreaded unsealed road and headed to the local landmark of Tcharkuldu. A collection of rocks, I wasn't very interested but it did give a nice panorama. I parked up not too far from the 'Outback Dunny' and had a look around. To my disappointment the most common bird was the European Starling which has adapted well to the environment and I watched a pair building a nest in a hole in a dead tree. After that there were Yellow-throated Miner and lots of Galah. I did hear a Black-eared Cuckoo calling in the middle distance but it never came any closer.

Overnight I heard Tawny Frogmouth calling at regular intervals close by and to my birding shame I couldn't get out of my comfortable bed to find it. The morning just brought gloom and drizzle and although I was serenaded by Australasian Magpie and Grey Butcherbird, I was glad to move on. The drive out did bring me my first sighting of Western Grey Kangaroo which was interesting. 

Back in Minnipa, I stopped at the rest area as I spotted White-winged Chough bouncing around the car park. I got some shots but again struggled in the low light. 
White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos)

Then I saw the toilet there. Contrasting to the Outback Dunny, I thought it very creative.  

eBird List

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